Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Posting Frenzy

I started the day by gathering an abundance of limes off a neighbor's tree and tidying and working on my new sprouting project.

Jasmine started her day eating yellow watermelon while putting together puzzles with her mom. Recently Jasmine has been into jigsaw puzzles. This puzzle phase reminds me of other "educational" phases of reading, writing, and 'rithmetic. A giant leap in ability without "practice makes perfect" phase. Could it be we are confusing children's development with that of adults and even then not allowing for cyclical nature of adult development?

And speaking of the three R's, I prefer the Waldorf three R's: rhythm, reverence, and ritual.

I spent a good chunk of time today finishing a number of half-finished posts I started in September and posting them (Any redundancy in this sentence?). Jasmine watched Ballet Favorites and Mary Poppins and went on adventures around the yard. I gave her my old camera a few weeks ago and she was out and about taking pictures. She's back to playing with the chickens now that the weather is so nice.

And in the inbox today, something so great I just had to share it (from Scott Noelle's THE DAILY GROOVE)

Is Joy Knocking On Your Door?

She knocked on the huge palace door. The peephole cover slid open, revealing the grim face of the palace guard. "Who goes there?"

"I am Joy," she answered with a smile, "I'm here to visit the Queen."

The guard shut the peephole abruptly. A few minutes later, it slid open again and the guard said, "The Queen is upset because her children are misbehaving.You may not enter until conditions improve."

"But I bring good tidings, and if she would let me in, the children would surely abandon their mischief."

"Sorry," the guard grumbled, "I must do Her Majesty's bidding." Then he locked the door and left.

But Joy did not leave . . . She just kept knocking.

Today, if you feel upset for any reason, ask yourself this: "Am I using these conditions as an excuse to disallow my natural state of well-being?" Decide that when JOY knocks on *your* door, you'll let it in... no matter what the conditions!

If you like this, visit Scott Noelle at his website. There's some great articles and you can sign up for free daily e-mails like the one above.

This evening we rode our bikes to the library to return and pick up books. We both had cookbooks in; Jazz got Cookbook for Girls and I, Living Cuisine: The Art and Spirit of Raw Foods by Renee Loux Underkoffler.

And then an impromptu bike ride to the park to watch a baseball game. Jazzie's been wanting to watch one ever since T-ball season. Jasmine enjoyed the game and playing with friends and I got to read my new book.

Came home and perused recipes together and read from Nina Jaffe's The Uninvited Guest and Other Jewish Holiday Tales.

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