Friday, May 22, 2009

Getting Started

Well, it's only taken me a year or more to get this started. Being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted to start with a profoundly insightful post. But now I'm just ready to go. I've figured out how to post pictures, so here comes a few posts about what we've been up to. Profundity will have to wait.

A couple of months ago, I saw Grace Llewellyn speak at a homeschool conference. She had a curriculum for parents called Freedom 101, which is basically observing yourself in action while being kind and gentle. How do you start a project? What stumps you? What is your pattern of action versus downtime? etc. The idea is to learn more about yourself but also to become more comfortable giving your children the freedom to learn these things for themselves. Well I've learned (several times actually) that I've got to just jump in and start with something, anything or my perfectionism will keep me treading water forever. So here it is--my first post.

Grace Llewellyn is the amazing author of The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get A Real Education. Everyone who's in school, is homeschooling, or has ever been in school should read it. (Did I leave out anyone?)

And here's a pretty picture of me and my daughter, Jasmine. It's old but hey my first post has to look beautiful.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...


Hafiz is one of my favorite people of all time... and I am very fond of Christine Kane, too. :)

Your daughter is beautiful.

Welcome to blogging!
