Sunday, May 24, 2009

Local Produce

I'm a Locavore or at least moving in that direction. A locavore is someone who eats locally grown and produced foods. Well I have a ways to go, not having given up blueberries, maple syrup, or tropical fruit. I am part of Ajo CSA. We pick up produce from Crooked Sky Farms out of Phoenix. Every other week, I drive to the farm to do the pick-up. It is peach season in Southern Arizona and there is one Organic Peach Farm (Schnef Farms) on the outskirts of Phoenix metro area. This week, Jazz and I stopped again. I've already proccessed 6 cases of peaches in last 3 weeks, so I swore just a few peaches. It was also apricot season, so the goal was lots of apricots (much easier to process). Unfortunately the apricots were almost gone.

Dried peaches and peach fruit leather from better part of 6 cases of peaches.
This weeks haul--minus those eaten on way home.
We also brought back peaches and apricots for our friend Nina.
Our friend, Nina, who along with her husband, Peter, organize and run the Ajo CSA.
This week"s CSA share.

Picking up produce at Nina and Peter's place.

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