Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finding Rhythm

I've really been finding a rhythm to preparing raw foods--sprouting, soaking, dehydrating etc. I'm enjoying seeing this emerge and realized I am craving rhythm in other areas of my life. In thinking about this post I realized that when I let rhythm come into my life and don't try to force it, it happens beautifully. When I try to force it--which is the norm for me--it never really takes hold and flourishes.

With Jasmine's learning, I have allowed the natural rhythm of her learning unfold and love watching the process. OK, I admit. Sometimes, I worry, "Is she reading at grade level?" "Am I doing enough?" But the universe always leads me to books, blog posts etc that soothe my worries and I am reassured and watch the process unfold. Tonight Jasmine asked to play with Math flashcards, wanting me to drill her on them. She is awesome. She loves math and asks to do it.

And of course through it all, the rhythm of her dance...

Now can I do the same for the rest of life? Allow the rhythms to emerge rather then trying to force them, rather than "I will do this--exercise, clean house, blog, play music, do art etc--every day". This has never really worked for me and instead of realizing that I tend to beat myself up, "should" on myself, and generally make myself miserable. Maybe there is another way. Intend and allow new things coming in my life--like giving birth instead of pushing and killing all the joy, beauty and wonder.

I intend to allow the rhythms that nurture Jasmine and me to come into our lives.

It's fun thinking in rhythms. The rhythms of the seasons. Here in the Sonoran Desert, we have just had a major shift and the weather is gorgeous. Time to play outside and enjoy the sun. And even the larger rhythms like astrological cycles. I'm doing a chart reading tomorrow and I haven't done one in a long time, and so am aware again of these larger patterns in our lives.

Because I belong to a CSA, I'm eating much more seasonally. I've been craving our winter vegetables, esp greens and this week we got baby swiss chard and baby braising greens. Isn't it wonderful.

I'm so thankful this post came out as it did, inspiring rhythm in my life instead of "shoulds".

And now in celebration of the rhythms of life, let's go....

.....into the garden......

This crazy wonderful pomegranate is loaded with soon-to-be-ripe fruit and grew 1/3 it's own size this summer and is flowering and setting another batch of fruit. I have heard pomegranates bear two crops in our ecosystem. What a trooper!!! I guess it didn't mind all the wildflowers I planted around it.

loaded with almost ripe fruit

....and producing beautiful flowers

.....and setting them into new fruit

The fall corn is starting to tassle...

...and the winter lettuce is up and going.

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