Monday, October 12, 2009

A time of Transistion

I'm changing the way I think. I have lived with so much negativity. No wonder I had so many addictions-- and still do. I believe our true addictions are to thought patterns and feeling states. Other addictions are just us trying to get away from us for a little while and have some peace.

I want--I mean I intend--to remember the stars are always singing to me, that everything is perfect, that I have complete control over my own happiness, and that I deserve that happiness. God's will for me is perfect happiness.

This has taken consistent effort and still I forget everyday, often for most of the day. But more and more I am remembering and every day, at least for a moment, I remember life is wonderful beyond understanding.
Some inspiration for this journey that has been particularly helpful lately comes in the form Ho'oponono from Joe Vitale's Zero Limits. One repeats to the Divine whenever seeing something less the perfection in each person, place, or situation, "I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you." I say "Please release me" instead of "Please forgive me". ACIM teaches that God-or the divine-does not forgive because God does not see anything but our perfection, the rest is created by us. I say this when I judge myself or others, or situations or places whenever I remember. ACIM has a workbook with a daily saying. It is extremely profound but I usually cannot remember the saying--I guess due to some resistance in me. Because even with Michael Brown's Presence Process which includes a saying per week, I could not remember this line without much thought for days--"I choose to experience this moment." But the Ho'oponono saying is easy for me. And very powerful.

Arnold Patent's book, You Can Have It All has also been very instrumental in the changes I'm making. I'm especially inspired by his theory that when anything in our lives is not as we like it, it is due to a lack of self-love. The solution to everything is to give ourselves love. This is similar to ACIM's "There is nothing lacking in any situation but Love". For some reason, hearing it from Arnold Patent, it sank home.

I am so thankful for the e-mail group that suggested all three of these books. I haven't been on for months, but their advice is priceless in my life.

Some lessons from A Course in Miracles have been helpful lately:

God's will for me is perfect happiness

I accept God's will

There is nothing to fear

Only Love exists.

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