Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Looking at Responsiblity

I guess Scott Noelle keeps nailing it on the head for me. Here's another Daily Groove that I affirms where I am.

Two Kinds of Responsibility

The word "responsibility" can be confusing because its meaning changes depending on the"active worldview" of the person using it.

The old worldview is one of scarcity and competition, where one seeks empowerment through controlling people and conditions, and by being "right." In that worldview, responsibility means obligation, duty, and/or blame.

The new worldview is one of abundance and creativity, where empowerment comes from within and is expressed through partnership. In that worldview, responsibility is the *ability to respond* creatively, and it's an acknowledgment that each individual creates his or her own experience of life.

Today, pay close attention to how you feel when you're trying to be a "responsible" parent. If taking responsibility makes you feel heavy, burdened, guilty, ashamed, or resentful, then it's time to upgrade your worldview!

All my adult life I've struggle with "being responsible". I think I need to "be responsible" and when I don't do what I think is responsible, I feel guilty. It creates a downward cycle--sometimes to depression--for me. It's caused me untold amounts of pain. I'm realizing more and more deeply every day that the only thing I need be responsible to is my own inner self and Creative Source. Every reminder is a cause for celebration and gratitude. So here's to Scott Noelle and all the guidance I receive. Amen

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