Thursday, July 2, 2009

All is Perfect

All is Perfect (sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)

All is perfect, All is perfect,
When I see, When I see
With the eyes of God, With the eyes of God
Peace, Love, Joy; Peace, Love, Joy
From The Joyful Child: A Sourcebook of Activities and Ideas for Releasing Children's Natural Joy
by Peggy Davidson Jenkins

I am thankful for this little dittie (I've been singing it to myself a lot lately) and the book it came from. A complete gem of a book thought fairly unknown as I see it is now out of print.

...and rain, and air conditioning, and learning that I can change my life by changing my thoughts.

.....and I am thankful for our local library. The librarians are wonderful and support our local homeschooling community. I lost a book recently and these ladies told me I need not pay for it because I am such a heavy user. And I am a heavy user... usually with 40-50 items checked out at a time. I live in a small town but have access to the entire Tucson-Pima library system and use it. I almost always have books I've put holds on and I use the interlibrary loan system if I want to read a book the Pima County system does not own.

Well maybe thinking I'll participate in Thankful Anyway Thursdays created it's own fulfillment. Today I am hitting the wall of my own garbage. I don't want to cook, clean, do laundry or any other "productive" thing, actually this has been going on for 2-3 days. I just want to meditate but the "tyranny of the shoulds" is plaguing me. And I am so thankful because I can bring it all to God. I've been fighting this battle for my whole life--thinking I "should" be doing something other than what I am doing but now with enough Byron Katie, Course in Miracles etc I am ready to just let it go. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The temperatures have soared to their normal levels in the triple digits and the humidity has gone up early. In celebration, I ordered Artic and Ananartic movies from the library: The March of the Penguins and Never Cry Wolf. The March of the Penguins already came in so here we are holed up in the air conditioning watching; Jazz making 4th of July decorations, me blogging.

And then....
Monsoon season is here!!!

Jazzie decides to go an a walk-about in the rain.


...right into the water.

Ain't she cute!

The electricity went out and was out the rest of the night and of course it was just perfect.

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