Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Artist Trading Card Party!!!

I've been a little immersed in Sufi poetry as part of my new project and today this one was with me.

Act as if there were no one on earth but you and no one in Heaven but

I had the most beautiful meditative workout this morning while Jazz was at swim team practice. I could feel that really all there is is me and God and I'm God, too, and everything is gloriously beautiful beyond description. I'm so thankful to have moment like these.
Our friend Jewel comes over on Tuesdays for dinner etc. Today I called and asked if she would like to join us in making ATC's, one of our current passions. (I found another fabulous link on making them and examples of differnt styles) We also invited another friend, Mari. Both Mari and Jewel are artists living at the Curley School, a historic school renovated into live/work lofts for artists just one block from our home.

We spent a good part of the day cleaning and organizing and getting ready for the party while listening to The Wizard of EarthSea. Jazz is still busy writing in her special notebook and made cute little cards for the table.

Our guests arrived and oohed and aahed over our chicken eggs. Bess has laid a cute little green egg three days in a row, and Guieniverre has laid one cute little pink egg yesterday.

We had a lovely dinner and then pulled back the pretty table cloth to the plastic paint-stained one underneath and got to work.

Mari and Jazz busy creating

Just as I was finishing the card I was making, Grandma came home and took my spot at the table and got to work too while I put another batch of pesto (the 4th in 3 days) into ice cube trays to freeze.

Here are some results of this evening's fun.

My ATC. I painted the background yesterday and today I tissue paper collaged the rest.

Some of Jazz's beautiful ATC's....

....and more....

...and another. Aren't the wonderful!! This is a medium in which she shines. Yeah!

My mom really got into doing this card. Isn't it lovely?

This is one of Mari's cards. It's superb!! We found out she has been keeping a collaged journal for many years and I shamelessly invited myself over to see it.

Goodbyes were said and our guests left only to find this guest on the front walk.

Later this evening I got on the computer to post, but somehow found myself at The Sparkling Martins which is just perfect for me right now. All is perfect. Dayna is so upbeat and optimist and is manifesting the life of her dreams and helping her children do the same. I've been on the Law of Attraction path for a least as long as her but I'm still stuck in "They are so lucky to have wonderful lives, I wish I could but...." Well I can have the life of my dreams and help Jazz have hers too. Amen.

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