Friday, July 31, 2009

More and more reading

Jasmine's reading skills have been exploding lately. Today for the first time I found her reading a book to herself. Later she made a cozy nest behind the armchair and filled it with books. I am really enjoying her process towards being a reader. She's been checking out piles of readers from the library every now and then for about a year. They sit on the shelf for several weeks and then I take them back. Today she checked out a pile of readers from the library and started reading them to me before we even left the library. The turning point for her seems to be that when reading became easy enough for her to add dramatic expression into it, reading became fun.

I've been ordering workout videos from the library that are dance oriented (e.g Sizzling Salsa, Ballroom Body Blast, Tahiatian Hip Hop etc) and trying them out. It's been really hot and since swim team is over for the year I haven't been working out at the community center. So far Jazz and I have loved one of them-- The Goddess Workout: Intro to Bellydance. Jazz did the whole thing with me. She also led me in a workout of her own design.

My workout instructor

And sometimes a girl has to dress up in the lovely silk dress Grandma brought from China.
I've still been doing a lot of spiritual work but as I've been writing blog posts after the fact, I write about what I have pictures of. I'm feeling called to explore EFT. I've started playing with it a bit from stuff I found on the Web and have ordered books from the library. It's not something that has called me before but makes perfect sense right now. I am totally ready to move into a new glorious life but....I find myself stuck mostly by habitual thought. I'm ready for a steamroller.

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