Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Glorious Creative Day

We started the day whipping the house into some kind of shape to the music Brazillance! The Music of Rhythm. And then to our shaving cream marbled paper project. Here's a link to directions. Jazz did it all by herself and loved every moment of it it......

Adding food coloring to the shaving cream

Pressing the paper into shaving cream

Paper taken off with shaving cream still on.

Some of the final paper

...but this shaving cream stuff is absolutely fabulous!

I made collaged watercolor ATCs.

Jazzie's ATC--she wanted a poem on hers, too, so she made one up.
Jazz worked on ATCs for awhile and then played with some of her beads. Jasmine has always been able to create whole worlds from any material available. She can play for hours, creating characters and dramas. Here is a church, modeled after the one Grandma attends that she created from the beads.

I still haven't been up to carrying the load of the household alone so I solicited Jazz's help with the laundry

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