Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I am crazy about SoulCollage®

This is what happens when a person stays up all night collaging. I've been eating mostly-over 90% living food-and the detox symptoms are calming down and I have lots of energy. I feel vital and alive a lot of the time and I wonder why everyone isn't doing this.

These first five cards are my first SoulCollage cards. I just jumped in and made them. I didn't know the "official" size so mine are 4"X6" which is considerably bigger than the ATCs (2 1/2"x3 1/2") that I've been making. Only the first one has a title so far.


Some images wanted to go on a smaller size card so two ATC-size cards got made too. Aren't they beauties.

These SoulCollage cards kept coming--late at night, while Jazz was at camp--I kept making SoulCollage cards. I didn't blog although the house is slowly getting cleaner. Actually doing art is helping me to keep on cleaning house, preparing food, and generally running a household.

And these little ATC size cards keep popping up here and there too.

I realized these would make nice gifts--little wallet sized cards with inspirational quotes.

And life did keep happening at our house. Eggs got laid. Food got prepared. Parties attended.

Our girls have laid their first dozen eggs now.

The food dehydrator has been busy. Besides finishing up the saguaro fruit, I did another tray of tomatoes and lots of sweet potatoes. The sweet potato chips go fast at our house. They are so delicious. This time I added lemon pepper and they are even better than ever.

We attended a birthday party and what kind of birthday party do you have when temps are in the triple digits?--one at night with lots of water play.

Playing fill the bucket

Other updates:

I am still training for my first 5K run and getting better every day.

I am still doing A Course in Miracles although much slower than intended. The lesson I'm on now I've been doing for four days (they are daily lessons). Lesson 20 involved remembering the lesson twice an hour and after four days I am remembering it several times a day. It takes what it takes.

I have not started The Artist's Way but I've been doing Art.

I'm eating mostly--at least 75%--local food. In fact, it's what I want; food with vital energy. Things I used to eat don't appeal to me. An example is the packaged Earthbound Farms organic spinach. It does not have the vitality that I now want in my body. I am so thankful to be on this path.

I have not been using shampoo or conditioner in my hair for a couple months (see my post No-poo and more) and mostly it is pretty fabulous. I am washing it with baking soda and then rinsing with apple cider vinegar every week to 10 days.

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