Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back in the Posting Saddle Again

I haven't been posting all week but life is good.

The first day of school for local kids has come and gone. I almost didn't notice it except that it was a particularly schooly day at our house complete with reading and arithmetic. Jasmine has been enjoying practicing her reading skills at Starfall and spent a couple hours at it and then asked me to help her with some of her Mathmania magazines (subscription from her Grandpa, thanks Dad).

I've continued making living food snacks, more corn chips and sweet potato chips, sesame carob balls, and pumpkin butter to eat with the Asian Pears we are now getting in our CSA shares.

Jasmine caught her mom rockin' out at the piano and composed a picture.

I've had books coming in left and right. Well, two more books I had ordered from library came in and I've been spending time with them--You Can Have It All by Arnold Patent and The Promise of Energy Psychology: Revolutionary Tools for Dramatic Personal Change by David Feinstein, Donna Eden, and Gary Craig. The Arnold Patent book is so awesome I have started taping it so I can listen to it as I play domestic goddess. It's totally ACIM, but somehow the way he writes things is helping pieces click for me. In any situation I don't like, the only thing that is lacking is love. A Course in Miracles says this same thing plenty of times, but all of a sudden I really get it. Thank you, thank you, thank you Arnold Patent.

I've also been learning and playing with EFT and other energy techniques in The Promise of Energy Psychology. In fact, that's what I had intended to do tonight but my sister just contacted my mom because she couldn't find the address to this blog and could she get it? So I decided I better update a bit. And I took pictures today (yeah!) which is the single most determining factor on whether I post or not.

This stylish young lady came into the kitchen today and announced she was on her way to dance school. (And who couldn't run and get the camera when such an important guest shows up.)
This afternoon, we brought little goodies to Nina and Peter, including corn bread made from flour corn we grew in our garden. They were just finishing getting the new Ajo CSA website they created on-line. Nina is the goddess of fresh produce in Ajo and picks up things for me from the city when she goes, so I try to bring her offerings and worship so she knows how loved she is. Nina lent me a fabulous book Local Wild Life: Turtle Lake Refuge's Recipes for Living Deep by Katrina Blair. Oh thank you Nina, goddess of fresh produce, you are so wonderful. Local Wild Life is a cookbook and more, using both local and living foods. I love it!

Grandma brought home dry ice from the clinic and she and Jasmine had a great time playing with it. Jasmine spent the next hour in and out of the kitchen retrieving various items for her "investigating" and I enjoyed her enthusiasm as I played Domestic Goddess in the kitchen.

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