Sunday, August 30, 2009

Local Food Mania

Today was the end of the summer season potluck for Ajo CSA. I was inspired to prepare food and joyfully made a Saquaro Chiffon Pie (made with saquaro fruit juice, eggs from our chickens and the crust made with wheat from "the farm"), Pumpkin bread (made with pumpkin from our garden, an Asian Pear from "the farm", and again the wheat we sometimes get in our CSA share), Sun Tea (while not local, I had bought one that contained only herbs that easily grow here, including hibiscus which helps cool the body on hot days), and watermelon rind with vinegarette dressing.

Farmer Frank (from Crooked Sky Farms where our CSA gets its produce) drove a couple of hours to come to our little potluck. He answered questions and asked what we enjoyed in our shares and what we would like more of. Frank began organic farming because his father died of pesticide poisoning. You can see from the picture he looks like a stereotypical farmer. I really enjoyed learning of his integrity as a farmer. He recently purchased new tractors with Tier 3 engines, which are in complience with the new California Emission Standards. He believes that if you are calling yourself an organic farmer you should do all you can to be a good steward of the land (here's a post about the new green tractors). When one of members asked him about getting money from the government, he replied that he would not do it because our government needs all the help it can get. Isn't it great to know the farmer where most of your veggies come from? Farmer Frank also brought bags of compost for the CSA members, the Ajo Community Garden, and a garden at the local school.

Compost from the farm packaged in commercial compost bags.

Hanging out at Ajo CSA's end of the summer season potluck
And more on the local food front--dates and apples are in season. Nina brought me back from the Phoenix downtown market the most delicious dates I have ever eaten--they just melt in the mouth. They come in a zip-lock bag marked Mike. The apple harvest in eastern Arizona has begun. Nina is bringing me back wonderful little fresh Gala apples. I love eating locally and seasonally. The biggest drawback is that once you've tasted the flavor and experienced the vitality of fresh, organic, local produce you won't ever want anything else. If you need convincing here is 10 Reasons to Eat Local Food.

Jazzie took the pictures today, so I get to see a different perspective. I am surprised at how bad my posture still is. Is this the posture of someone happy, joyous, and free? I'm still carrying a heavy burden and it's all in my mind.

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