Sunday, August 2, 2009

Grandma's Birthday

The celebration for grandma's birthday started last night. We stayed up late playing 10 Days in Europe. Grandma hadn't had a chance to play yet and was eager to so we all played together into the night.

Jasmine decided to make Challah for her grandma for her birthday. While waiting for the preparations to begin, she made Matzo based on something she had watched on a Holidays for Children movie (Passover and Hanukkah) the other day. She's fascinated with Old Testament History esp David since we watched a few of the Bible Collection movies. I am reading the Rebecca books to her. Rebecca is the newest American Girl to come out. She is a child of Russian Jewish immigrant parents living on the Lower East Side in New York City in 1914. So of course Jazz is exploring all things Jewish.

Making Matzo

Then Jazz and I got busy making a special dinner for Grandma. I had had a friend pick up Organic chicken, strawberries, cream cheese, and graham crackers in Phoenix. We cooked oven-baked chicken, local green beans, salad, local butternut squash, and strawberry cheesecake. And of course Challah. I haven't been willing to buy and cook commercial meat so my mom is eating a lot less meat than she likes. It was a really special treat for her to have chicken--her favorite.
Grandma with her Challah Bread (made by Jazzie)
Eating strawberry cheesecake

Jasmine has spent last couple of days making a tape to give Grandma for her birthday. On it she read from a reader she likes, recited poems, told stories and kept reminding her Grandmother how much she loves her. It was a beautiful present. Her grandma was so touched by it. I was privileged to witness their special moments together listening to the tape.

Grandma opening Jazz's present

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