Friday, August 28, 2009

New life in the garden

I haven't taken pictures of the garden in a long time but this morning I was inspired by some new life appearing.

The I'toi onions are sprouting after having died back for the summer.

The orange tree I planted this spring is showing it's first new growth of leaves.

This butternut is starting it's third crop of delicious squash
What a trooper!

The monsoon garden my mom planted is up and growing.

Notice the O'odham Ha:al squash growing like mad in the background
It's finally producing squash after months of vegetative growth.

O'odham Ha:al Squash--this drought tolerant local squash is surviving under an established fruit tree that is only watered once a week.

Some other troopers that have been unsung as they grew through the intense summer heat.

Sweet Potatoes


And I caught this girl being creative again.

Playing my accordian

Playing with home-made clay (she made it herself)

I was back in the kitchen filling up the dehydrator after a couple day hiatus, more granola, and corn tortillas. Both are becoming staples while I learn new living food recipes that I adore.

I have been thinking about energy bars and today I made some awesome energy bars with sprouted sunflower seeds, carob powder, date paste, coconut, diced dried saguaro fruit, spirulina, and a sprinkle of sea salt. They are simply delicious and I feel great after eating them. Actually they are too wet--more of a paste-- and the dehydrator is already full so I'm eating it by the spoonful. Delicious!!

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