Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

Yesterday, we went to Phoenix to pick up produce from Crooked Sky Farm (the CSA we belong to). I always do some shopping of food items not available in our little town and I get an extra share for making the run. Now I am blessed with an abundance of food--sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes, baby coconuts, bananas, green beans, melons, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. I haven't done "the run" in a while and am remembering that the day after is taken up mostly putting away food and processing food and cleaning up. I listened to the rest of Joe Vitale's Zero Limits while in the kitchen. This is profound for me and I think for Jasmine as well because she is beginning to remind me "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you" when I express any kind of victim consciousnes. Thank you. She has also listened to some Abraham recordings and enjoyed them but none have had the same impact on her.

In Ho'oponopono, the individual "cleanses" any negative reaction to anything that happens by saying to the Divine "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you." It seems so simple yet it is amazingly profound. Most of the time my mind is reacting negatively to something. Before I listened to Zero Limits, I was trapped in my own negativity. It was all the more painful because I know things can be different but was unable to get there. In fact yesterday morning I was breaking down in tears over the clutter and mess in my life. I haven't been able to get a handle on it and have been coming to the realization that it's not going to change until I change my thoughts. Unfortunately I was not being terribly successful with this on a moment to moment basis. I can clear my mind great sitting in a meditative state but when I open my eyes and "deal with" life.....that's another matter. This tool--I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you--seems to be the perfect tool I need for where I am right now. The Universe always provides.

We did the bellydance workout again this evening. Jasmine is totally fascinated with all of Dolphina's outfits. She brought out her basket of cloths and ta-da.

I actually played the piano tonight (I've been wanting to play more but not doing it) and realized that playing is a meditation for me--realizations come and healing happens. I could spend some meditation time playing. Hey I like how that sounds on all levels!!!

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